На 26.10.2024 г. ще се проведе онлайн курс на тема "Медийна грамотност и критично мислене"           На 27.10.2024 г. ще се проведе онлайн курс на тема "Как децата да поискат да учат повече? Трите ключа на мотивацията"          

Покана за обучение по проект SPICE
Dear candidates,

The teacher training program consists of three sequential training phases described in the following link.

Each type of training focuses on a spiral development of teachers’ understandings and skills for becoming an Inclusive STEAM educator.

On the other hand, the CoP the mission is "Bringing together educators interested in fostering training and policy change in STEAM for a more inclusive educational system." Our vision is to be "the European reference for teacher education in Special Education."
In order to accomplish this mission, your active involvement in participating and advocating for the CoP is essential. Those chosen to take part in the Mobility Training Program within the CoP are expected to engage proactively by undertaking the following responsibilities:

Start at least 1 discussion in the CoP’s forums at https://spiceacademy.eu/community/

Promote the CoP using your professional or personal social media (directly publishing posts about specific activities developed within the CoP or sharing specific posts from SpicE’s social media or news section, promoting the CoP.

Participate in specific evaluation activities related to specific SpicE’s outputs.
By joining our platform, you will directly benefit from international networking with the members of the community, learning opportunities and teaching resources, you will be able to actively participate in discussion forums about topics related to STEAM and access information regarding relevant events and news.
If you decide to start your journey as a member of the CoP, kindly confirm your interest by replying to this form https://forms.gle/GcwKUkKGnNKEZJo27 and registering athttps://spiceacademy.eu.

Feel free to contact us at maria.zheljazkova [аt] trakia-uni.bg if you have any questions.
We look forward to welcoming you to the SpicE Community of Practice!

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.